The Natural Face-Lift

The Natural Face-Lift

A Facial Touch Program for Rejuvenating Your Body and Spirit

by Linda Burnham, N.D.


The Natural Face-LiftEase the lines of life…

Rejuvenate your body and spirit…
Simple movements that encourage deep nourishment
and renewal at all levels of your being.
Learn the keys to detoxing your body…
Rejuvenating nutrition which allows the body to detoxify
and then renew itself on both cellular and systemic levels.
Discover self-care rituals and special healing treats…
Bring spa pleasures home and leave yourself feeling
energetically fresh, emotionally nurtured, and physically nourished.
Access your deeper levels of consciousness…
Activate centers that allow your body, mind and spirit to ground,
organize, and communicate with themselves and beyond.

Book Description

The Natural Face-lift is about taking beauty a step deeper than your skin. The simple movements of Burnham Systems Facial RejuvenationSM encourage deep nourishment and renewal at all levels of your being. True beauty and inner radiance come from wholeness. These easy-to-learn rituals lead to full-body regeneration and rejuvenation. The Rejuv TouchSM honors your whole self, nurturing you to open, expand, and lift every aspect of your being, enhancing your spirit, your body, and your face.
Linda Burnham, N.D., has synthesized thirty years of teaching, hands-on healing, and clinical experience into the practical application of physical-spiritual medicine. Dr. Burnham leads international seminars and lectures on spiritual and holistic approaches to health, beauty, and wellness.

Presented here are instructions for self-care routines and beauty rituals that use only gentle, natural products as alternatives to Botox and harsh chemical cosmetics. The author, a naturopathic physician, teaches ways to restore a youthful appearance to the face and release wrinkles while relaxing and restoring the entire body. Aided by color photos, she describes how to touch and gently massage specific facial areas in ways that replenish the skin while also nurturing the body and revitalizing the spirit. Combined with daily recommended cleansing and moisturizing routines, the author discusses the use of soaks and masks. Special routines are recommended for specific problems such as aging skin. Emphasis is on pure, natural ingredients for both external and internal use. Here is the key to a natural face-lift for beauty and general well-being. Approximately 300 photos.

Note: Individual chapters of The Natural Face-lift will soon be available for download.

Give yourself a gift, you will use it daily for the rest of your life.
Personalized classes for individuals or small groups on the Natural Face-lift process are available through Zoom-In online courses or individual instruction in person.
Contact Linda Burnham, N.D. directly to arrange your preferred mode of instruction.



Part One- The Art of Burnham Systems Facial Rejuvenation
• Our Faces, Our Stories
• The Detox Key
• Points of Consciousness
• The Rejuv TouchSM

Part Two- Self-Care Rituals
• Daily Rituals
• Special Healing Treats
• Easing the Lines of Life

Resources for Beauty and Health

Burnham Systems Studies

Until this book’s release, the Rejuv TouchSM has only been available through the gifted and highly trained hands of a Burnham Systems Facial RejuvenationSM Practitioner.

This beautiful full-color book contains 30 years of the wisdom and teachings of Dr. Linda Burnham, N.D.
and the Rejuv TouchSM, bringing it into your hands, home, and entire life.